

Is located in the centronorte regions, aridoamerica and sierra madre occidental. Bordering north with coahuila, northeast with nuevo León, east with San Luis Potosí, south with guanajuato, Jalisco and Aguascalientes, southwest with nayarit and west with Durango.

- I got on the cable car to See the landscape of the city of Zacatecas
- I went shopping on the hill of the buffalo but forget the money in the hotel

- I'll go to the museum Rafael coronel to meet him

- I want to go to visit the art museum but it is only for adults

 -I ate churros el fiero and they were very rich
- I went to the gorditas doña Julia and ate very tasty but it got me sick
- I want to go eat pozole to zacatecas Jerez
- I want to go to eat mole to zacatecas but it is very far


Places I want to visit:

My family and I are going to Llera on next vacation

I haven't  went to Llera yet

I've already eaten Churros


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