
Veracruz is located 90 km away from the state capital Xalapa and 400 km away from the City of Mexico. It is bordered on the north by the municipality of Antigua and the Gulf of Mexico; to the south with the municipalities of Medellín and the mouth of the river; to the east with the Gulf of Mexico and the west with the municipalities of Manlio Fabio Altamirano and step of sheep.

Imagen relacionada

I went for a swim the beach of Veracruz.
I could not go to the socket.
I think back and know more places.
I don't ever want to climb a mountain very inclined.

Resultado de imagen para mariscos en veracruz

I want to eat tamales Veracruzanos but i don't have the ingredients.
I could not test the bites of Veracruz.          
I had to go to eat seafood in family.             
When I ate seafood didn't like.     


Places I want to visit:

My family and I are going to Cancun on next vacationResultado de imagen para cancun mapa

Have you visited Veracruz yet?

I’ve already spent my salary in this trip


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